I've been experimenting with Dart and React over the last few months, and as part of these experiments, I've been using a pattern that's inspired by Elm to structure data flow.

With this pattern, your application is split up into modules that follow a specific convention. Each module has a state, a view and a set of actions. Modules can be nested infinitely deep inside other modules, but each module is only concerned about its immediate children.

As you'll see, every module is self contained. They never reach outside themselves to change or get their state. This makes using them as a deferred library a snap, and helps you keep the initial size of your app small by loading modules only when they're needed.

This pattern also centralizes the state of you app, and serves as a single source of truth when rendering your views. This eliminates a whole suite of bugs where the internal state of the view can becomes out of sync with the application.

Lastly, state modification and view updates happen through a unidirectional data flow. This simplifies the process of your app updating state and rerendering. Plus, it makes reasoning about your application a whole lot easier.

Overall, the pattern's been working well in these experiments, and we've decided to use it on a new product that we just started at Mixbook. I think you'll find it to be simple, powerful, and will ultimately allow you to create web apps that stay modular.

As previously mentioned, this pattern is inspired by Elm, but is tailored to support a non-functional language like Dart. However, it can easily be adapted to other languages, like JavaScript, with the help of a reactive library like RxJS or Bacon.

I'll start out by introducing the basic pattern, then use it to build an app that has a single module. After that, we'll modify the app to reuse the module in a dynamic list. For those of you how like to dive straight into source code, the completed app is up on Github for you to look at.

The Basic Pattern

Each module is a Dart library that's separated into three parts: a state, a view and a set of actions.


The view is a React component that is passed two properties by its parent module. An actions property that the view uses to change the application's state, and a state property which the parent uses to change the state of the view.

class MyView extends react.Component {
  StreamController<Action<State>> get _actions => props["actions"];
  State get _state => props["state"];

  render() {
    // render the view


The state is a simple immutable object that encapsulates the state of a module.

class State {
  final String value;



Actions are functions that return closures to modify the module's state. The returned function accepts a single argument of the state to modify, and returns a new object representing the modified State.

typedef T Action<T>(T state);

Action<State> appendValue(String value) {
  return (State state) => new State(state.value + value);

In Flux parlance, the appendValue function is the payload's action type, its arguments is the payload's data and the returned closure is the means of modifying the state. With this technique, we remove the need to perform a bunch of conditional statements for the type of action, and we also get type checking for the action's payload data.

Example: A Single Counter

The first example is a counter that can be incremented and decremented.

I recommend creating a single library for each module that contains its state, view and actions. This makes using the module a one-line import, and also makes lazy loading the module a whole lot easier.

// lib/views/counter.dart
library counter_demo.views.counter;

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:react/react.dart';

part 'counter/actions.dart';
part 'counter/state.dart';
part 'counter/view.dart';

Our state for this component is pretty simple. It has a single field to represent the counter's current count.

// lib/views/counter/state.dart
part of counter_demo.views.counter;

class State {
  final int count;


The actions for this component are pretty straight forward as well. We have two actions, one for incrementing and one for decrementing the count on a counter.

// lib/views/counter/actions.dart
part of counter_demo.views.counter;

Action<State> increment() {
  return (State state) => new State(state.count + 1);

Action<State> decrement() {
  return (State state) => new State(state.count - 1);

What's great about these actions is that they're stateless. This makes them easier to reason about, but also easier to test. We can create variations of State objects, pass them to these actions and test their results.

Finally, we define the render function for our React component, and setup each of the buttons to add their action onto the actions controller.

// lib/views/counter/view.dart
part of counter_demo.views.counter;

var view = registerComponent(() => new View());

class View extends Component {
  StreamController<Action<State>> get _actions => props["actions"];
  State get _state => props["state"];

  render() {
    return div({}, [
      div({}, _state.value),
      div({}, [
        button({"onClick": (_) => _actions.add(decrement())}, "Decrement"),
        button({"onClick": (_) => _actions.add(increment())}, "Increment")

The Update Loop

So far we've defined a module that has a state, a view, and a set of actions. But, we're not responding to these actions to make anything change. Let's go over how actions modify the application's state, and how this triggers some side-effect, such a rerendering the view.

Generally speaking, your application's state is held inside a scan stream within your main function. This stream transformer isn't provided by Dart, so we use Frappe to provide this functionality.

Using a scan stream is nice, because it'll hold the current application state, but also modify it whenever an action is added to the controller. Since our state is represented by a stream, we can react to its changes and trigger some behavior, like updating the view.

If we wanted, we could also apply other transformations to our state stream. For instance, we could convert our state to JSON using Stream.map() and update the browser's history. Or maybe we could use Frappe's Stream.debounce() to throttle and persist the state to some external API.

import 'dart:html';
import 'package:frappe/frappe.dart';
import 'package:react/react.dart' as react;
import 'package:react/react_client.dart' as react_client;
import 'package:counter/views/counter.dart' as counter;

void main() {

  var applicationElement = querySelector("#application");
  var initialState = new counter.State(0);

  var controller = new StreamController<Action<counter.State>>();
  var actions = new EventStream<Action<counter.State>>(controller.stream);
  var state = actions.scan(initialState, (state, action) => action(state));

  state.listen((state) {
    var view = counter.view({"state": state, "actions": controller});
    react.render(view, applicationElement);

There's a bit going on here, so lets break down listening to the actions from our module and updating the application's state.

  • We define the initial state of our application, with a starting count of 0, and assign it to initialState.
  • We define a StreamController, assign it to controller, and pass it to the module's view. The view will request changes to the application state by adding actions onto this StreamController.
  • We use Frappe's scan transformer to apply actions from our view to the previous state of the application.
  • We listen to the state stream and rerender the view whenever it changes.

You can think of this process as an endless cycle of Render -> User Action -> State Modification -> Render.

Example: Many Counters

Lets try to stress the architecture a bit by introducing a dynamic list of counters.

Our general architecture is the same, we create a new module counter_list that contains a state, a view and a set of actions. The UI for this module includes a button to create a new counter, a list of the inserted counters and a button to remove them.

To start, lets create the counter_list library. Along with the React import, we'll also import our previous counter module and alias it as counter.

// lib/views/counter_list.dart
library counter_demo.views.counter_list;

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:react/react.dart';
import 'package:counter_demo/views/counter.dart' as counter;

part 'counter_list/actions.dart';
part 'counter_list/state.dart';
part 'counter_list/view.dart';

The state for this module will include a list of counters, and an ID to assign to the next counter.

// lib/views/counter_list/state.dart
part of counter_demo.views.counter_list;

class State {
  final Iterable<counter.State> counters;
  final int nextId;

  State(this.nextId, this.counters);

Since we want the ability to add, remove and update a counter, the module will include actions for each behavior.

// lib/views/counter_list/actions.dart
part of counter_demo.views.counter_list;

Action<State> createCounter() {
  return (State state) {
    var newCounter = new counter.State(state.nextId, 0);
    var counters = state.counters.toList()..insert(0, newCounter);
    return new State(state.nextId + 1, counters);

Action<State> removeCounter(int id) {
  return (State state) {
    var counters = state.counters.toList()..removeWhere((c) => c.id == id);
    return new State(state.nextId, counters);

Action<State> updateCounter(int id, Action<counter.State> action) {
  return (State state) {
    var counters = state.counters.map((c) => c == id ? action(c) : c);
    return new State(state.nextId, counters);

Something to take note of is the updateCounter action. Here we're passing the identifier of the counter to update, and an action that returns a new counter to replace it with. This paradigm is how the state of a child module gets merged into its parent. This will become clearer once we define the view for our counter_list module.

// lib/views/counter_list/view.dart
part of counter_demo.views.counter_list;

var view = registerComponent(() => new View());

class View extends Component {
  StreamController<Action<State>> get _actions => props["actions"];
  State get _state => props["state"];

  render() {
    var counters = _state.counters.map((counter) => _renderCounter(counter));

    return div({}, [
      button({"onClick": (_) => _actions.add(createCounter())}, "Create a Counter"),
      div({}, counters)

  _renderCounter(counter.State state) {
    var counterActions = new StreamController();
    counterActions.stream.listen((action) {
      _actions.add(updateCounter(state.id, action));

    return div({}, [
      counter.view({"state": counter, "actions": counterActions}),
      button({"onClick": _actions.add(removeCounter(counter.id))}, "Remove")

As previously mentioned, we need to modify the states of a counter in the counter list. To handle this, we create a new stream controller for each counter view that it can add actions onto. When an action is added, it's associated with an ID using updateCounter which applies the action to the specific counter in the counter list.

Another important thing to note is that a module is only responsible for its direct children. At no time is a module reaching down to a grandchild to modify state, or is it ever reaching outside itself to get its state. The actions for grandchildren will always be propagated up by the module's children, and the state of the module will always be passed by its parent.


To summarize, here are some take aways:

  • Each module is a self-contained library that has a view, a state and a set of actions. This keeps the API for each module standardized and makes it easy to turn into a deferred library.
  • Modules can be nested infinitely, and each module is only concerned about its immediate children.
  • Your application state is centralized and serves as the source of truth when triggering side effects, eliminating bugs where the state of a component becomes out of sync with the state of the application.
  • Testing is made easier from the use of immutable classes and declarative actions.

If you're interested in looking further into this architecture, the source code for this app is up on Github. There's also a TodoMVC example that's a bit more involved.

I hope you give this a try in one of your apps, and if you do, let me know how it went in the comments below.